The Great Oregon Shakeout! Did you participate? No, it's not just in Oregon. It is an earthquake drill "The Great Shakeout" to promote earthquake awareness and preparedness. It is at 1015 hours on October 15th every year. It was just now. I did, Drop, Cover and Hold under my great steel tanker desk. . .I need to dust and sweep under there!
Here in Oregon we live in the Cascadia Subduction Zone. The New Yorker Magazine ran an article about it in July titled "The Really Big One." It is a BIG DEAL here in the Pacific Northwest, or it will be when it occurs. When, well it has occurred once every 240 years on average. The last one was in 1700.
Oregon has been working on the problem of preparing for the BIG ONE for only a few years. The Cascadia was only discovered in 1970. After the 2011 quake in Japan and the resulting tsunami the coastal tsunami zone maps were revised gulping in quite a larger area that will be effected. OPB's Oregon Field Guide has a documentary about the situation titled "Unprepared" and corresponding info to help you get prepared Interesting title. . .
Yes it is a number is links. So, check them out, read, learn, get ready!
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