Saturday, August 22, 2015

Saturday Night Movie - The Rocketeer

Saturday Night Movie - The Rocketeer.

What a fun movie.  It takes it's story from a comic, inspired by 1930s serials.  Action, adventure, good good guys, really bad bad guys, Howard Hughes, Spruce Goose, Rocket packs, NAZIs!  We had a lot of fun watching it.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

VJ Day - 70 Years Ago Today.

Today is the 70th anniversary of Victory over Japan Day.  I did not see anything locally about this.  There was one article in the Hillsboro Argus about the local Congressional representative presenting a 94 year old woman with medals.  The woman had enlisted in the Women's Army Corps in 1943 and serving in the United States Army until her retirement in 1972 attaining the rank of Sergeant Major.  Nice story.

What about it?  VJ Day.

Here is a video from the Royal British Legion, the best I've seen for the 70th.  Watch it, listen and hear the voices.  Both what they say and what the speaker feels.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

ISIS is here?

Interesting read from the Investor's Business Daily, "ISIS Organizing Small Armies Inside America."  Another headline from the London Daily Mail, always sensationalist.

I see it as quite plausible, therefore a risk to be managed.  What do you think?