Wednesday, October 29, 2014

What Americans are Afraid of. . .

Interesting.  More fear yet less crime.  It turns out that what Americans truly have to fear. . .is fear itself.  Truth is truth.  More evidence supporting the plan to disconnect your TV from the outside and take all news, Left, Right, Middle as tabloid sensationalist with a primary goal of titillation for higher commercial rates.

"What we found when we asked a series of questions pertaining to fears of various crimes is that a majority of Americans not only fear crimes such as, child abduction, gang violence, sexual assaults and others; but they also believe these crimes (and others) have increased over the past 20 years," said Dr. Edward Day who led this portion of the research and analysis. "When we looked at statistical data from police and FBI records, it showed crime has actually decreased in America in the past 20 years. Criminologists often get angry responses when we try to tell people the crime rate has gone down."

H/T to Bruce Schneier.

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